Truth Be Told
Truth Be Told
What is Truth Be Told?
Truth Be Told is an intergenerational project that takes joy and life into residential care homes. We equip churches with the resources, training and support to deliver storytelling groups that benefit 0-4s, their parents and residents. We aim to restore intergenerational community which will improve the mental, emotional and spiritual wellbeing of everyone involved.
What’s the purpose?
We believe the church is God’s beautiful display of family, of intergenerational love and devotion and Truth Be Told exists to show everyone that they’re invited to belong.
What’s the vision?
Storytelling for life:
1. Joyful life
2. Family life
3. Full life Psalm 118:24; Psalm 139:16; Psalm 95:8.
What’s the mission?
Truth Be Told will be the most tested, trusted and transformative intergenerational activity in care homes across the UK.
What are the values?
We are interested in everyone in the room. It’s always intergenerational.
We create a place for belonging.
We provide a high quality, creative experience.
There is joy in this place! Then freedom will follow.
Our simplicity gives imagination free reign.